Innovation Grants
The 2023 Innovation Grant application cycle is closed.
Clear Creek Schools Foundation Innovation Grants were created to support engaging and community connected experiences for students. The grants support Clear Creek School District's priorities of Best Educators, Empowered Students, and Visionary District and are partially funded by King Soopers rewards.Â
Educator* grants support the development of Learner Profile skills: leadership, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, adaptability, and character. *All district employees are educators.
Student grants support ideas and interests, and the development of Learner Profile skills.
Educators, please discuss your project with your principal/supervisor and receive approval before submitting the application. Students, please discuss your project with your teacher or counselor.
Apply online anytime between May 7 and September 15 by 6pm.
Projects will be awarded amounts ranging from $100 to $2,000.
Limitations: No teacher salary, no food, no classroom furniture, and no bus transportation for required school district field trips.